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Boost Your Immune System with These 5 Fall Wellness Tips

Have any fun adventures planned for this fall? We’re keeping it pretty low key this year and don’t have too much planned or scheduled for this fall, and it’s nice! Getting to relax a bit and enjoy the cozy fires and cooler temps, baking, making goals and growing. Pretty chill here (quite literally, we are getting down to the 50's next week!). Time to bundle up in this sweaters weather!

We’re also hoping to keep everyone healthy through this fall and winter with good nutrition, some homemade remedies and plenty of water.

If you want to stay in top health this season, here are some of our tips to stay healthy so you can enjoy fall!

1. Drink plenty of water

This is something that I really need to get back to doing! When the weather is hot in the summertime, we usually don’t need to be reminded to drink plenty of water. But when the weather cools off and the hustle and bustle of the holidays comes, I know I personally don’t drink as much because I don’t feel like it / forget I need as much water when it’s cool outside and I'm running all over the place.

A good rule of thumb is to drink half your weight in ounces each day. So if you’re 150 pounds, drink at least 75 ounces. That’s just a baseline, you may need more than that. If you’re getting tired of plain water, jazz it up with some fruit slices or fresh herbs and spices. Hello Apple Cinnamon Water! You’ll get a little nutrient boost while you’re at it! One of my favorite water bottles is for sure a way to kick start your "more water" journey.

2. Stay active

I know it’s super tempting to go into hibernation when the weather gets cooler, but stay the course with your workouts and keep moving. Check out my On-Demand Library or Fitness Blog Posts to add some spark to your fitness routine. Maybe even switch up your workout schedule to keep things fresh and interesting. Just make sure to clean your hands and equipment frequently if you workout at a gym!

Building those workout consistency habits leading up to the fall and winter holidays can help you stick to your workouts during the stressful holiday season and will keep you healthy throughout fall and winter.

Sometimes getting new workout clothing can get us motivated, too! Gift yourself some new and cute clothing to keep your fitness wardrobe fresh this fall. If you love leggings to workout in or for everyday, check out Lululemon's Wunder Train Tights! The new colors are incredible for the fall season.

3. Get plenty of sleep

Good health depends on good sleep and proper rest since those sleeping hours are where your body does most of it’s restoration work. You need good quality rest to stay healthy both mentally and physically.

Prioritize good sleep!

  • Set aside time for consistent bed times and wake times.

  • Get into a bedtime routine to wind your body down for sleep.

  • Make that room chilly and cover up with those heavier blankets.

  • Plan ahead for better sleep by turning off electronics and blue light close to bedtime

  • Cut out caffeine completely after 3 pm.

Making some small changes like these can make a big difference in your sleep quality and health! Want more info on great sleep tips? Follow my Friend Melina for all the tips!

4. Stay nourished with high quality whole foods

Every new season brings in new harvests and new recipes. During the cold and flu season, it’s especially important to make sure that you are getting lots of fresh produce that’s loaded with vitamins, minerals, and antioxidants that can help your immune system stay strong during the colder months.

Center your diet around whole foods first, like fresh fruits and vegetables, whole grains, lean proteins, nuts, seeds, and legumes so you’re fueling your body with what it needs to power you through workouts and keep your immune system strong.

Head to your local farm stand or family farm market to stock up on these nutrient dense options. These not an option for you? Head to your local store and search for locally grown or organic it available to stock up for the season.

5. Get outside

We’re about to get some rain and temps will be dropping here in Oklahoma, and some days I don’t feel like getting outside in the cold, wet and wind much. I really don't love having to get AJ all bundled and ready to brave the weather either, but once we get outdoors, we always feel better in the fresh air, sunshine and smells of the season! Even if the sun isn’t shining, the fresh air can do wonders for helping you feel better.

Getting outside and moving is incredible for your mental and physical health. Your outings don't have to be long or structured. You can mix things up and do your workouts outside, you can go for a short walk, rake leaves, shovel some snow, or just be silly and play in the yard or ride bikes. Every little bit of time outdoors can make a difference! Just make sure you bundle up if it’s really cold.

Follow me on Instagram for Fitness, Life & Fun!

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